Any ward
Catford South
Crofton Park
Forest Hill
Grove Park
Hither Green
Lee Green
Lewisham Central
New Cross Gate
Perry Vale
Rushey Green
Telegraph Hill
Any Categories
Accessibilty Issues
Safe Crossing not available
Bins On Pavement
Highways- defect to Footpath and Roadways
Highways- Garden Hedge causing an obstruction
Cafe Furniture giving limited acess
Vehicle on footpath obstruction
Recycling Sites
Communal clothing Recycling Banks
Communal Electrical Banks
Communal Food Waste Banks
Active Travel
Active Travel- Damaged Cycle Hangers
Graffiti and Fly-posting
Graffiti (Hate Crime)
Fly-posting in Parks
Fly-posting offensive
Graffiti Non offensive
Graffiti (offensive)
Graffiti In Parks
Street Cleansing
Streets-Spilt Food Waste
Streets- Spillage of Blood
Streets- Spillage of Wet Paint
Streets- Clearance of vomit
Streets- Clearance of needles of syringes
Streets- Oil spillage
Dead animal
Dog mess
Street cleaning
Streets- Drug-related litter
Streets- Excessive litter on Road or Pavement
Streets- Leaf clearance on roads and pavements
Streets- New or relocation of street litter bins
Streets- Overflowing Litter Bin
Streets- Road Traffic accident
Streets- Sweepers Blue Bags not collected
Streets- Weed clearance on roads and pavements
Streets- Broken glass on pavement or Roadway
Phoenix Community Housing
Phoenix Community Housing overflowing Litter bin
Phoenix Community External Swweping
Phoenix Community Housing Communal Repairs
Phoenix Community Housing Lumber
Phoenix Community Housing overflowing Dog bin
Fly tipping- Gas Bottles
Flytipping- Hazardous Waste
Fly tipping- Bags
Fly tipping- Cardboard
Fly tipping
Fly tipping- Carpet soft furnishings
Fly tipping- Construction/Demolition
Fly tipping- DivanBase
Fly tipping- Fridges
Fly tipping- Grab
Fly tipping in Parks
Fly tipping- Mattress
Fly tipping- Pallets
Fly tipping- Sofa
Fly tipping- Tyres
Fly tipping- WhiteGoods
London & Quadrant Housing Association
London @ Quadrant overflowing Litter bin
Parks, green spaces & grounds maintenance
Parks- Footpaths and Roadways
Parks- Dead Animals
Parks- Fresh Growth affecting tree base
Parks- Grasss and Horticultural
Parks- lighting
Parks- overflowing Dog bin
Parks- overflowing litter bin
Parks- Play Ground and Play Equipment
Parks- Toliets
Grass verge and shrub maintenance
Parks- Litter
Parks- illegal encampments
Parks- Fencing and Gates
Abandoned Things
Abandoned Bike
Abandoned Bike frame
Abandoned Garden Waste Bins
Abandoned Road Maintenance Signs
Abandoned E Bike /E Scooter
Abandoned Refuse Bins
Abandoned vehicles
Abandoned Trolley
Abandoned Vehicles in Parks
Abandoned Caravans and Trailers
Highways- Utilty Boxes Green
Highways- Utilty Boxes Grey
Highways-Street Name plates
Highways-Electrical Charge points
Highways- Post Boxes
Highways- Benches
Highways- Grit bins
Road Markings Missing
Road Marking Faded
Temporary Traffic Lights
Damaged Bus Time Table Case
Skip issue
Traffic lights
Highways- Garden Hedge causing an obstruction
Bus stops and shelters
Street lighting and Illuminated signs
Trees Damage to pavement
Street Furniture Damaged
Road traffic signs
Highways-Drainage or Spillage
Highways- Water Leaks
Highways- defect to Footpath and Roadways
Highways- Obstruction
Highways- Gritting
Housing-Blocked chute clearance
Housing-Grounds Maintenance
Housing- Internal Graffiti
Housing- Abandoned vehicles
Housing- Fly tipping
Housing-Internal Cleaning Issue
Housing-Bulk waste collection
Housing -Estate Issue
Housing-Overflowing litter bin
Housing-Overflowing Dog bin
Housing-communal Repairs
Housing-External Sweeping
Leisure and Sport
Adventure Playgrounds
Nature Reserves
Playing Fields
Leisure Centres
Cemeteries and crematoria
Trees- Dead or dying
Trees- Fresh growth Affecting base
Trees- Emergency
Trees- Street tree causing an obstruction
Trees- causing a nuisance
Trees Damage to pavement
Trees- Damage to property
Tree- Planting
Tree Misc
Waste Services
Bin repair
Bins On Pavement
Issues With Recycling Banks/Sites
Missed Collection of Commercial Waste
Missed collection of Food Waste
Missed collection of Garden Waste
Missed collection Recycling
Missed collection Refuse
Commercial Waste Issues
Car parking
Cars For Sale On the Public Highway
Commercial Waste Issues
Community Clean up
Report status